Rick Owens Divulges His Deepest Thoughts on Masculinity and Its Place in Fashion
It’s absolutely okay to be who you are all the time.

Rick Owens is a prominent man in the fashion industry, his name is known around the world and he not only designs clothes but has also recently taken on the challenge of furniture design. So what makes him who he is and what are his thoughts on masculinity? In an interview with Vestoj, provided by Business of Fashion, he talks about how he sees himself as a cliché and how he felt he had to mold to societal expectations but art school and fashion allowed him to rebel and find himself. Check out some of the excerpts below and read the full article here.
Who is Rick Owens?
I’m a Los Angeles cliché. I had a conservative, controlled childhood, then became as uncontrolled as I could, then realised that I liked control after all. This is the story of my generation: kids that were too controlled and then became drug addicts and alcoholics before finding spirituality and Zen. It’s so common. I’m totally common.
On childhood:
I was pretty effeminate and sensitive as a boy. It’s that same old story: sensitive boy in a small town, trying to fit in. Growing up, there was a certain set of rules or expectations about how to behave. That angered me, and later on I felt vengeful. I tried to conform, but I never managed to do it very successfully. I was forced to bend, to act in a way that I was uncomfortable with. I had to become more masculine. I couldn’t be flamboyant; I had to butch it up. It was humiliating. In a way I suppose it helped me form a sense of defiance and rebellion and when I left to go to art school in the big city, I became as flamboyant as I possibly could.
On his relationship with his parents:
I wore platform boots and capes and full makeup. But when I went back home to Porterville to see my parents, I’d take off all the makeup and nail polish and put on normal clothes. If I wanted to have a relationship with them, I had to compromise. And in the later years, when I was completely honest with them and allowed them into my life, they had to make some compromises too. That was lovely. In a way, it was the money that made them change their minds about me. My parents figured, well as long as he’s successful he must be okay. It was kind of bittersweet because obviously it was a false context, but then life isn’t perfect.
On influence:
I’ve always wanted to participate in the world, to be involved. The world that I propose to people is not meant to impose or insist. It’s not a manifesto, it’s a proposal. It’s meant to be gentle. Although it was born out of my reaction to the rules imposed on me, I want it to be an alternative, not the only option. That’s really important to me.
On artifice:
I like artifice. The artifice I like is always exaggerated and borderline ridiculous. It’s challenging the codes of good taste and notions of conservative beauty in a good-humoured way. Humour is one of the most elegant things in the entire universe, you know.
On his kicks:
I wear sneakers of my own design. I’ve become very known for sneakers, which is ironic considering that when I first started doing them it was almost a parody. I thought sneakers were the most boring things on the planet. They represented complete banality to me. But I was going to the gym and I needed some so I started doing my own exaggerated version, and they’ve become a signature of mine. The ones I wear are on a stretch leather sock: they’re kind of a sneaker combined with an opera leather glove.
On successful men’s fashion:
The most successful men’s fashion is conservative with just a hint of rebellion. Imagine something classic, but with a ripped lining or a hidden strap that implies S&M. I do clothes like that myself. One of the inspirations for my men’s clothes is Neil Young. He’s a poet and he’s masculine but he’s sensitive too. He seems honest, with a sense of honour. I don’t think honour tops the list of women’s attributes but it’s one of the appealing things about a man. We expect men to build the house, and women to make it a home. In a very primal way we still want men to be providers and women to add grace.