New Trailer for 'Patriots Day' Reminds Us All That the Human Spirit Prevails
An ode to the heroes of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
After getting a sneak peek at Patriots Day back in October, the film has now debuted its official two-minute-long trailer. The motion picture is based on the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and focuses on the events leading up to it and the aftermath, including the city-wide manhunt for the terrorists responsible. Follow the account of Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis, played by John Goodman and other stars including Mark Wahlberg (Sgt. Tommy Saunders), J. K. Simmons (Sgt. Jeffrey Pugliese), Melissa Benoist (Katherine Russell), and Michelle Monaghan (Carol Saunders) as they remind us that the human spirit is stronger than anything else in this moving and inspiration clip.
Patriots Day releases in select theaters on December 21 with a nationwide release set to follow on January 13.