Matt Damon Asks You to "Buy a Lady a Drink" in Stella Artois' New Charitable Campaign
The actor narrates a spellbinding zoetrope of beer glasses in this out-of-the-box campaign.

Matt Damon is no stranger to the scarcity of water, having jerry-rigged an atmospheric water harvester from scratch to survive his extraterrestrial stay in The Martian. It’s therefore appropriate that he lends his star power to Stella Artois’ latest charitable campaign in association with Titled “Buy a Lady a Drink,” the videos are centered on a massive spiralling zoetrope with hundreds of Stella Artois chalices arranged in order, each one printed with a frame of an animation that illustrates the importance of water in improving the quality of life of women — traditionally the homemakers in developing countries. Conceived by creative agencies Mother London and 1stAve Machine, the videos were put together and shot by Mallorca-based Palma Pictures over a two-month period.
With the sale of every limited-edition chalice at, Stella Artois will be able to provide five years of drinking water for one person in the developing world. Watch the innovative campaign below.