Willow Smith - F Q-C #7
Willow Smith has released a video for her most recent offering, “F Q-C #7.” Initially released a
Willow Smith has released a video for her most recent offering, “F Q-C #7.” Initially released a week ago, “F Q-C #7” currently stands as the sixth song the young Smith daughter has released in 2015. She began the year with a forward-thinking cut entitled “Heart” and a three-track EP. Willow Smith co-directed today’s release, which features several different “versions” of her. ”The different Me’s represent my Chakras. Yellow is Self-confidence, Blue is my voice (song), Red is my survival instinct, and the Black is a combination of everything (the true me),” Willow explains to FADER. Willow is definitely experimenting with and exploring new styles, sounds and visual approaches as she matures as an artist. You can check out Willow’s new video above.