#fromwhereiskate: Ben Fisher Backside Flip Over Gap - San Diego
Our next video series #fromwhereiskate calls upon talent from all over the globe to give us a look
Our next video series #fromwhereiskate calls upon talent from all over the globe to give us a look at where they like to skate, a single trick or line discovered at that location, and just what skateboarding means to them. Our first session brings us to Long Beach native and Stereo rider Ben Fisher. With 12 years of the sport under his belt, Fisher has skated his fair share of spots on the globe, not to mention the West Coast alone. With a preference in lower impact obstacles and manual pads, we asked Ben to attempt one of his favorite tricks — the Backside Flip — over a bump-over-gap spotted in San Diego. Check back next week where we’ll profile Vancouver native Jordan Hoffart as he hits up Vista, California.
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