Shawn Powers "HARDCORE HORROR" Exhibition @ Magic Gallery
For New York City-based artist and pro skater Shawn Powers’ first solo exhibition, Gogy Esparza’s

For New York City-based artist and pro skater Shawn Powers‘ first solo exhibition, Gogy Esparza’s studio/gallery space Magic hosts “HARDCORE HORROR” now until October 3. While roaming the streets of downtown Manhattan attending to his early creative outlet of graffiti writing, Powers would often source scrap materials and found objects to skate on back home. Transporting these materials however left the young creative with plenty of cuts along the way, which then became an inspiration to create blood paintings, many of which will be on display at Magic. For those interested, “HARDCORE HORROR” will kick off tonight at 6 p.m. EST with an open reception.
175 Canal St.
5th Floor
New York, NY 10013