HYPEBEAST Tests Out the adidas miZXFLUX App
Back in May, adidas previewed an upcoming app that would allow users to create a personalized ZX

Back in May, adidas previewed an upcoming app that would allow users to create a personalized ZX Flux model based around the user’s own photos and patterns. Just days away from the app’s Friday launch, we were given an early start and ran it through a test drive. The photographic nature of this project allowed us to reference back to our previous HYPEBEAST x VSCO Presets that released in early summer. We choose three of our favorite photos presented on the HYPEBEAST x VSCO Curated Grid and gave them the official miZXFLUX treatment. The photographers chosen included Silas Lee, James Leung, Mr. Evidence and Kayla Reefer.
The overall process to creating a unique miZXFLUX is simple. As users upload new or preexisting photos from their library, they can scale, rotate and position them to their liking on the ZX Flux’s upper. Given the proportions and shape of a sneaker’s upper, photographs of patterns generally translate better, so fair warning when you look to throw up portraits of people or yourself.
To follow the conversation, check #miZXFLUX as well as adidas.com/miZXFLUX and download the app when it releases on Friday, August 22, 2014. For new users of VSCO Cam, the app can be downloaded through both iTunes for iOS and on Google Play for Android.