Ji Lee: Word As Image
Typography has long been the subject of infatuation for many graphic designers over the years. Be

Typography has long been the subject of infatuation for many graphic designers over the years. Be it the unnoticeable to the human eye balance of kerning or the harmony of ascenders and descenders, good typeface is a holy of grail of sorts to any self-respecting design aficionado. Infusing his latest typeface endeavor with a degree of whit and creativity, Korean-born and current Palo Alto-based graphic designer Ji Lee recently debuted a book titled Word As Image in which he crafts a wide range of fonts to spell words that visually mimic the meaning behind the word itself. Having a resume that includes a former Google design position and current Facebook design title, Lee’s Word As Image personal project effectively infuses an added degree of life into each word and typeface it encompasses.
Source: BBC Blog