Converse: OFF CANVAS - Niels "Shoe" Meulman
In October of last year Converse created the “OFF CANVAS” exhibition of typography to support
In October of last year Converse created the “OFF CANVAS” exhibition of typography to support China’s first Design Week. Niels Meulman of Amsterdam – who goes by his artist name “Shoe,” was one of the six featured artists at the exhibition. In 2007 Shoe combined the street level presence of graffiti with the elegant tradition of calligraphy in a movement he termed “Calligraffiti.” The short captures Shoe using large push brooms effectively mimicking the strokes of a brush. The result is a painting of sweeping calligraphy strokes across a rooftop. Calligraffiti has allowed Shoe to become more of an expressionist and to paint with a renewed sense of creativity. He has been focusing on the concept of “UN” as a symbol of reversal.