The RGB color model is where the colors red, green and blue are mixed in together to recreate a broad spectrum of colors. The main use of the RGB color model is in electronic displays like TVs, video cameras, video projectors and more. DC Shoes has taken this as inspiration for the RGB footwear collection. The RBG collection consists of four shoes all based on the Monteca model. The obvious three Monteca’s are in the red, blue and green colorways. The color black, which is the result when you put red, green and blue together, is the shade for the fourth Monteca. These are now available at Chapter World, prices are set at 13,440 Yen.
Prodip’s fascination with UFO’s has made him create the Hong Kong UFO Documentary which talks about people’s sightings of UFO’s in Hong Kong. The documentary has been just released. Two versions are available; a stand alone DVD or a Off World Boxset with comes with the Off World Creature Figure designed by Michael Lau. The boxset is now available at Double-Park.
Source: crazytoyz: 0709
This year is Casio’s 25th Anniversary of the iconic watch, the G-Shock. To celebrate this, G-Shock has teamed up some of Japan’s leading street brands including mastermind Japan, Roar and Green on some special edition G-Shock watches. There are 5th watches in total for this series. The first two are the mastermind Japan 5600 and 6900 G-shocks which retails for 49,350 Yen. The second is the Roar 5600 edition which goes for 24,150 Yen. The third is the Green 5500 G-shock which costs 18,900 Yen and lastly is a clear white G-shock which we think might be the hottest of them all and that goes for 15,750 Yen. Available at the hi-end Japanese department store, Isetan, starting April 16th.
Source: Isetan via O’logy
Paul Mittleman, the creative director of Stussy, has posted some images of the Stussy Spring/Summer 2008 catalog where you can find an article about an upcoming project with Neighborhood called “Boneyards”. Unfortunately we haven’t gotten our hands on the Stussy catalog yet so we don’t know what it is about so until then, check out these pictures.
Part of the Stussy x Futura “Destiny” collection is this new “Skullacon” series which include a New Era Fitted Cap and a pair of swim shorts both decorated with colorful Skulls designed by Futura. Summer is still months ahead but these pieces will look good worn to the beach. Available now at We Sold Out.