Sony Europe "Bubbles" Commercial
Sony has always looked to innovation and excitement to advertise their top of the Sony Bravia products. We saw it back in October as a city ran rampant with rabbit after rabbit made of Play Doh. To promote Sony’s imaging collection (including video cameras), their ingenuity brought them to Miami where the city was literally turned into a city of foam with a gigantic foam maker manned by an 18 man crew: Foam Maker Stats -2.8 meters in diameter. -Uses 1,000 liters of water to create 2,000,000 liters of foam per minute. -Can fill up an Olympic swimming pool in only 24 seconds. -It is estimated that 460 million liters of foam will be made by the end of the commercial’s production. We’re definitely looking forward to seeing the final product for this commercial. Stay tuned for more details. Source: Josh Spear, Commercial Archive
Sony has always looked to innovation and excitement to advertise their top of the Sony Bravia products. We saw it back in October as a city ran rampant with rabbit after rabbit made of Play Doh. To promote Sony’s imaging collection (including video cameras), their ingenuity brought them to Miami where the city was literally turned into a city of foam with a gigantic foam maker manned by an 18 man crew:
Foam Maker Stats
-2.8 meters in diameter.
-Uses 1,000 liters of water to create 2,000,000 liters of foam per minute.
-Can fill up an Olympic swimming pool in only 24 seconds.
-It is estimated that 460 million liters of foam will be made by the end of the commercial’s production.
We’re definitely looking forward to seeing the final product for this commercial. Stay tuned for more details.
Source: Josh Spear, Commercial Archive