DQM x Trackstar Bike

Most of the time we see sneakers and clothing, but there are quite a bit of other interesting products that are fun and creative which can catch much attention. Here is a collaboration project between DQM and famous New York bike shop Trackstar and they have put together a new track bike. It’s a very eye catching color and will definitely catch a lot of attention when seen riding on the streets of New York. Image: Keith Hufnagal @ Honeyee

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DQM x Trackstar Bike

Most of the time we see sneakers and clothing, but there are quite a bit of other interesting products that are fun and creative which can catch much attention. Here is a collaboration project between DQM and famous New York bike shop Trackstar and they have put together a new track bike. It’s a very eye catching color and will definitely catch a lot of attention when seen riding on the streets of New York.

Image: Keith Hufnagal @ Honeyee

DQM x Trackstar Bike

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