Harrison Ford Will Star in the Forthcoming 'Blade Runner' Sequel
The seemingly impossible has happened.

The original Blade Runner film is arguably one of the most influential science fiction films of our era. Well ahead of its time, visionary director Ridley Scott created an intricate, futuristic environment where ex-police officer Rick Deckard (famously played by Harrison Ford) is tasked with hunting down obsolete humanoid robots. Of course, the big twist in the film (SPOILER ALERT) relates to how Deckard is actually an android, a fact that was divulged by the director himself. Although this revelation definitely quelled unrest among movie fans, this also made a possible return from Ford pretty unlikely.
However, the unexpected has happened and Alcon Entertainment has officially confirmed that Harrison Ford will be returning to star in Blade Runner 2. Plot details remain to be extremely sparse at the moment, but we do know that Ryan Gosling will also star in the film and Ridley Scott will not be returning as director. In his stead, Denis Villeneuve (Sicario, Prisoners) will be taking on directorial duties, while Hampton Fancher (co-writer of the original film) and Michael Green will be penning the screenplay which “takes place several decades after the conclusion of the 1982 original.” We will continue reporting this story as more announcements surface, so make sure to stay tuned for details.