
RESTIR Drops Collaborative Takashi Murakami Hoodie With Yuzu

RESTIR Drops Collaborative Takashi Murakami Hoodie With Yuzu

Embellished with Murakami’s ‘Smiling Flower’ character.

READYMADE Drops "Flaming Smiley" Sweatsuit

READYMADE Drops "Flaming Smiley" Sweatsuit

Featuring quotes from Marcel Duchamp and Nirvana.

1017 ALYX 9SM Debuts Tokyo Pop-Up at RESTIR

1017 ALYX 9SM Debuts Tokyo Pop-Up at RESTIR

With the arrival of two exclusive tees.

RESTIR & Vetements Collaborate on Exclusive Oversized Hoodie

RESTIR & Vetements Collaborate on Exclusive Oversized Hoodie

“Hi, I Don’t Care. THANKS.”

Farfetch Superstore Award 2014 Event Recap

Farfetch Superstore Award 2014 Event Recap

International online boutique shopping platform Farfetch recently held the award ceremony for its

White Mountaineering for RESTIR Tartan Shirt

White Mountaineering for RESTIR Tartan Shirt

A longtime stockist of each consecutive White Mountaineering collection, Tokyo-based boutique


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