
Facebook Patents an Augmented Reality Baseball Cap
Tech & Gadgets

Facebook Patents an Augmented Reality Baseball Cap

Reducing both heat and unbalanced weight on the nose.

Apple Is Developing a Flexible Wraparound Display for Its Smart Watch
Tech & Gadgets

Apple Is Developing a Flexible Wraparound Display for Its Smart Watch

Also possibly reducing the bezel down to 4-5mm.

Sony Is Looking to Turn Bananas Into Gaming Controllers

Sony Is Looking to Turn Bananas Into Gaming Controllers

Discovered in a recently filed patent.

Apple's Newly Patented Glasses Could Potentially Let You Unlock Multiple Devices
Tech & Gadgets

Apple's Newly Patented Glasses Could Potentially Let You Unlock Multiple Devices

A solution to help streamline the user experience.

Apple Files Two Patents for Wireless Charging on MacBooks
Tech & Gadgets

Apple Files Two Patents for Wireless Charging on MacBooks

Using the MacBook’s palm rest or entire lid.

Samsung Patents Surround Display Smartphone With a Sliding Camera
Tech & Gadgets

Samsung Patents Surround Display Smartphone With a Sliding Camera

It’s all screen.

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