First We Feast

Tom Holland Takes Double Bites of the Spiciest Wings on 'Hot Ones'

Tom Holland Takes Double Bites of the Spiciest Wings on 'Hot Ones'

“I really wanted to be this generation’s Martin McFly.”

Chance the Rapper Discovers Spice Induced Pain & Drinks a Lot of Milk on 'Hot Ones'

Chance the Rapper Discovers Spice Induced Pain & Drinks a Lot of Milk on 'Hot Ones'

Also cooling down with some ice cream.

Shia Labeouf Talks Memes, Personal Style & Kanye's Friendship on 'Hot Ones'

Shia Labeouf Talks Memes, Personal Style & Kanye's Friendship on 'Hot Ones'

See how far Shia can take his tolerance for spicy sauces.

Idris Elba Talks 'The Wire' Role and Speaks Cockney Slang in 'Hot Ones'

Idris Elba Talks 'The Wire' Role and Speaks Cockney Slang in 'Hot Ones'

Elba pretended to be American to get casted as Stringer Bell.

Scarlett Johansson Has to Keep Herself From Revealing 'Avengers: Endgame' Secrets on 'Hot Ones'

Scarlett Johansson Has to Keep Herself From Revealing 'Avengers: Endgame' Secrets on 'Hot Ones'

The actress has quite the spice tolerance.

Shaquille O'Neal Regrets Not Signing NSYNC & Backstreet Boys on 'Hot Ones'
Food & Beverage

Shaquille O'Neal Regrets Not Signing NSYNC & Backstreet Boys on 'Hot Ones'

Including a makeshift free-throw contest.

Watch Billie Eilish Test Her Spice Tolerance on Latest Episode of 'Hot Ones'

Watch Billie Eilish Test Her Spice Tolerance on Latest Episode of 'Hot Ones'

The singer also does a blind soda tasting.

Desus and Mero Test Their Spice Tolerance on 'Hot Ones'

Desus and Mero Test Their Spice Tolerance on 'Hot Ones'

“Your nose is sweating, fam.”

Ken Jeong Proves He Can Still Practice Medicine on 'Hot Ones'

Ken Jeong Proves He Can Still Practice Medicine on 'Hot Ones'

The doctor turned actor/comedian takes on the spicy wings.

Gordon Ramsay Says the Wings Aren't Good on 'Hot Ones'
Food & Beverage

Gordon Ramsay Says the Wings Aren't Good on 'Hot Ones'

Discussing his culinary influences, and how to make the perfect burger.

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