'Naruto' Fan Edits Out 115 Hours of Anime Filler for Girlfriend
He really wanted to make her a fan of the iconic series.
After running out of anime to watch together, YouTuber Oceaniz asked his girlfriend Laura if she would be up to watch Naruto. Despite being one of Oceaniz’s favorite series, the YouTuber didn’t want to subject her to all 720 episodes of the iconic anime.
Starting back in January and completed around mid-March, Oceaniz took it upon himself to create “Oceaniz’s Naruto: The Ocean Cut.” The version created in Adobe Premiere cut out unnecessary flashbacks and filler that stretched the Naruto and Naruto Shippuden story to its massive length.
In a video titled “I Re-Edited ALL of Naruto for my Girlfriend,” Oceaniz noted that he had always wanted to create the abridged cut and adamantly noted that he believes in the English dubs. The creation of the cut saw around three to six episodes cut into 50 to 120-minute episodes. The YouTuber even decided to translate Japanese signs and went through filler episodes, keeping some in as “Themed Special Episodes.”
Remaining faithful to the original 250-hour chronicle of Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, the abridged version ends with an epilogue told through title cards and cuts out 115 hours of filler content.
Catch Oceaniz run through his task of cutting out the filler from Naruto above.
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