Scott Eastwood Reveals That His Father, Clint Eastwood, Convinced Him To Turn Down 'The Suicide Squad' Sequel
Citing salary issues.

In a recent interview, Scott Eastwood revealed that his father, the legendary actor Clint Eastwood was the reason why Scott turned down the sequel of James Gunn‘s The Suicide Squad.
Scott told Insider, that Warner Bros. was not willing to pay him as part of a three-picture deal they offered. He said, “They didn’t want to pay me any money for those next movies and they didn’t have another script for the other movie, so I didn’t know what I was going to be signing myself up for.”
Scott explained the situation to his father who gave him sound advice, “If it feels like they really need you and if it’s a good part, then do it. If not, then don’t.” He added, “I didn’t have the answer to those questions at that time. I wasn’t going to have the answers, and they were pressuring me. So ultimately it didn’t happen.” He also claimed that his character received “more love” in David Ayer‘s Suicide Squad.
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