Hauser & Wirth Brought an Eclectic Range of Work to Art Basel 2021
A grand reappearance to the biggest international art fair.

Art Basel, the world’s largest international art fair is back on its third day exhibiting in the Swiss city of Messe Basel. Due to covid, many American collectors and galleries chose not to make the voyage, creating a slightly more pared-back vibe according to some reports. However, that certainly doesn’t draw back from the captivating art on display.
We recently did a roundup of Pace Gallery’s offerings, but equally, Hauser & Wirth made a grand reappearance. Peruse Booth D9 to find an array of historical and contemporary work including the playfulness of Cindy Sherman, melancholic abstractions of George Condo and Zhang Enli, along a host of others.
The institution made it clear that this year’s showing would place special emphasis on the work of Maria Lassnig and Philip Guston — two artists who both turned to figuration during the 1960s, after experimenting across abstraction. Guston’s The Poet (1975) has already shown to be a highlight of the fair selling for $6.5m USD. Whether you have the shillings to purchase any of the art, simply absorbing the range on view is worth the experience. See the full list of artists below.
In case you missed it, a Frida Kahlo self-portrait is expected to shatter multiple auction records in November.
Art Basel
Messe Basel
Messeplatz 10
4058 Basel
H&W Art Basel 2021 Artist List:
Rita Ackermann
Ida Applebroog
Hans Arp
Phyllida Barlow
Larry Bell
Max Bill
Louise Bourgeois
Frank Bowling
Stefan Brüggemann
Geta Brătescu
Alexander Calder
John Chamberlain
Eduardo Chillida
Ed Clark
George Condo
Martin Creed
Nicole Eisenman
Zhang Enli
Zeng Fanzhi
Lucio Fontana
Günther Förg
Charles Gaines
Ellen Gallagher
Isa Genzken
Arshile Gorky
Philip Guston
David Hammons
Mary Heilmann
Eva Hesse
Jenny Holzer
Roni Horn
Luchita Hurtado
Rashid Johnson
William Kentridge
Bharti Kher
Tetsumi Kudo
Guillermo Kuitca
Maria Lassnig
Simone Leigh
Zoe Leonard
Glenn Ligon
Lee Lozano
Piero Manzoni
Takesada Matsutani
Fabio Mauri
Paul McCarthy
Fausto Melotti
Gustav Metzger
François Morellet
Lygia Pape
Nicolas Party
Thomas J Price
Christina Quarles
Jason Rhoades
Pipilotti Rist
Dieter Roth
Mika Rottenberg
Cindy Sherman
Gary Simmons
Lorna Simpson
Anj Smith
David Smith
Alina Szapocznikow
Sophie Taeuber-Arp
Henry Taylor
Keith Tyson
Georges Vantongerloo
Jack Whitten