New Study Says Apple iPhone Owners Have Higher Chance of Getting Dates
In comparison to Android owners.

According to a new study, Apple device users are more attractive on popular on dating apps compared to Android owners.
CompareMyMobile put the study together by creating similar profiles that outwardly displayed preferences towards Apple or Android products. Analyzing more than 50,000 dating app “swipes and matches” in 15 major cities, the mobile platform noticed that Apple Watch, AirPods and iPhone users were significantly more attractive. Profiles displaying an iPhone had a 76 percent chance of being swiped right, the Apple Watch garnered a 61 percent chance while showing off AirPods brought chances to 41 percent.
In comparison showing off a Samsung device brings a 19 percent chance, with all other phones decreased matches by up to 30 percent. It is interesting to note that Blackberry is deemed the least attractive, decreasing the chances of swiping right by 74 percent.
Head over to CompareMyMobile to catch the study in full.
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