Man Surgically Implants Tesla Key Into Hand
Phone, wallet, hand.

One man in Utah created a new way to never forget his car key at home – by implanting it into his hand. Ben Workman now has a total of four computer chips in his hands plus a magnet, each allowing him to complete a different task. He is now able to unlock his Tesla, open doors at work and log into his computer with the simple wave of a hand. Additionally, he is able to share contact information via a chip that uses the same technology as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Workman enlisted a family member to help him implant the first two chips, as no one wanted to take the risk. “I tried going to a veterinarian, a doctor, a piercing studio, no one would do it,” he explained to East Idaho News. Implanting the Tesla key was much more intense. Luckily, he was able to locate a piercing studio to help after some persuasion. “I figured they would be fine with it, but they took one look at the thing I had in my hands and they said no.”
Besides never forgetting his car key and allowing him easy access to his vehicle, Workman says he simply likes to have fun with the implant. “I play tricks on people who don’t know I have it in my hand. I try and convince them a banana is the key and then I hold a banana up and [the chip] unlocks the door.” Next he says wants to find a way to pay for things using only his hands.
Elsewhere in tech, Apple will reward a $1.5 million USD bounty to anyone able to hack an iPhone.