Here Is What the World's Largest Single-Domed Tropical Greenhouse Would Look Like
With exotic animals, tropical flowers and natural vegetation.

French firm Coldefy & Associates in tandem with energy company Dalkia have designed and released image renders of what would be considered the world’s largest roofed tropical greenhouse. “Tropicalia” would eventually take up residence in northern France’s Rang-du-Fliers region and intends to immerse visitors in a lush tropical setting, though housed in a single-domed roof.
Spanning a space measuring in at approximately 215,000 square feet, the garden would work to maintain a stable 26-degrees-Celsius environment by employing both, structural steel and ETFE plastic technology. With that said, housed within would be a diverse range of butterflies, fish, turtles, humming birds, exotic flowers, waterfalls, aquarium basins and more. To promote the most natural of settings, “Tropicalia” will do away with internal columns, which can obstruct views, and will place a green wall around the perimeter — restricting external sight lines.
When asked about the project, Dalkia’s Technical Director of Major Projects, Denis Bobillier had this to say:
“This double insulating dome will protect the tropical ecosystem in summer and maintain its temperature in winter. The partial burial of the greenhouse will reinforce this insulation. The excess heat can therefore be directly used, stored or redistributed to our neighbors as part of a network of private heat or a “smartgrid.”"
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