BAPE Rejoins Medicom Toy for Camouflage Shark Hoodie BE@RBRICKs
Silver and gold.

BAPE is no stranger to joint releases or off-kilter products, issuing its STAMPD collaboration and camouflage neck pillows on the same day. Now its famous Shark motif and camouflage reappear on a pair of collaborative Medicom Toy figures, issued in shiny gold and silver.
Available in minuscule 100% and 11-inch tall 400% versions, the figurines boast a print of BAPE’s iconic camo shark hoodies, complete with closed zipper. The brand’s FIRST CAMO appears throughout, with shark face imagery printed on the front of the head and tiger stripe imagery & “WGM” printed on the rear. Other than the different colorways, the two figures offer nearly identical detailing, right down to the half-and-half camo on the face.
Look for the figures to hit one of Medicom Toy’s online retailers on February 10. Meanwhile, Medicom Toy recently revealed that its Jean Michel Basquiat figures are finally set to drop this weekend.