If You "Still Follow" Eminem, Earl Sweatshirt Says You "Probably Drink Way Too Much Mountain Dew"
“And probably need to like, come home from the army.”

Well, we know somebody who definitely hasn’t enjoyed any Eminem songs that have come out in recent years. While even some of the most diehard Eminem fans probably aren’t too thrilled with Eminem’s more recent output, Earl Sweatshirt is definitely more colorful when it comes to his criticism. ”If you still follow Eminem, you probably drink way too much Mountain Dew and probably need to like, come home from the army,” said Earl during a recent interview conducted for SPIN. Earl’s thoughts came in response to a question about liking Eminem’s new stuff, to which he emphatically replied “Hell nah!” The remarks arrived as part of a newly-released piece by Dan Weiss for SPIN, where the writer speaks to the rapper about the music he’s working on now and what to expect with his next album, doing acid, social media and more. The Q&A is far more interesting than just one quote about Eminen, and can be read here.