Someone Wrote a 70-Page Fanfiction on Stealing 'Once Upon a Time in Shaolin' From Martin Shkreli
Read it here.

A Wu-Tang Clan fan named Jordan VanDina wrote a 70-page fictional script about stealing the legendary hip-hop group’s super-rare album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin from Martin Shkreli, who now is the rightful owner of the $2 million one-of-a-kind record. However, since the clause in the buyer’s contract states the seller and/or Bill Murray may legally “plan and attempt to execute” one heist to steal back the album, fans may have already started conspiring. This, perhaps, is what inspired VanDina to pen the script, which includes Shkreli, himself, Wu-Tang members, Kim Jung-Un, Michael Jordan, Justin Bieber and more as characters of the story. Read the fanfic in its entirety here.