Latest 'South Park' Episode Calls for the Cancellation of 'The Simpsons'
Calling the show racist for its stereotypical character Apu.
South Park called out The Simpsons on its latest episode, describing it as a series with “bigotry and hate” before closing with a #CancelTheSimpsons hashtag. The episode featured the acclaimed Mr. Hankey character on trial defending his offensive tweets, mocking the Brett Kavanaugh case.
After blaming the tweets on Ambien similarly to Roseanne Barr’s statements earlier this year following the cancellation of her show, the Christmas Poo is sentenced to leave town. He’s sent somewhere “that accepts racist, awful beings like him,” with people who “don’t care about bigotry and hate,” and that place ends up being The Simpsons‘ Springfield.
He’s welcomed by Apu speaking in a stereotypical voice, a callback to a documentary about the show and the character called The Problem With Apu, which calls out the show’s crude depiction of his nationality. Even the episode’s name “The Problem With A Poo,” is a reference to the doc. Simpsons‘ showrunner Al Jean spoke to THR about the ending, stating he knows it was all in good fun and a show of respect to the series.
“It’s actually in favor of us saying people are too critical,” Jean stated. “Hari Kondabalu [the writer/star of the documentary] tweeted he thought they agreed with him but pulled the comments showing he was wrong. All season the show has had a #cancelsouthpark hashtag so my response (which I tweeted) is: #pleasedontcancelsouthpark.”
Check out both tweets below and share your thoughts in the comment section.
In other entertainment news, check out the new trailer for M. Night Shyamalan‘s Glass.
That ending was the animated equivalent of “I feel your pain.”
— Alan Spencer (@MrAlanSpencer) October 11, 2018
Did @SouthPark just side with me? WHAT IS HAPPENING? #CancelTheSimpsons #PleaseDontThough
— Hari Kondabolu (@harikondabolu) October 11, 2018
South Park just went there on @TheSimpsons and Apu #cancelthesimpsons
— Matt Wilstein (@mattwilstein) October 11, 2018