Watch How the Ending of 'Rogue One' Seamlessly Blends Into the Beginning of 'A New Hope'
Toying with transitions in the ‘Star Wars’ universe.
Fan films or fan edits, especially of the Star Wars variety, are rarely home runs. But someone did their due-diligence, took time, and put in a whole lot of passion in creating a clip that perfectly connects the end sequence of Rogue One with the beginning scenes of A New Hope.
Vimeo user Barre Fong got creative with his editing skills — here, you can see how Darth Vader and Princess Leia’s appearances in both RO and NH are accurately timed to deliver a breakless story from one title to the other. This is actually the second version of the project and the music and sound effects have also been modified.
Watch the video above and you’ll realize you don’t really need to do a quick change up on your DVD player, TV or handheld devices when watching the two movies.