Amina Blue on Kanye West: "You Just Gotta Take What He Says & Deal With It"
The “It Girl” also speaks on reality TV, clubbing and more.
Popular, fast-rising model Amina Blue is the subject of a new feature from SSENSE. The star of the outlet’s new Amina Blue: Diary of an It Girl piece, the Yeezy-featured model hits a monster truck event and speaks to writer Natasha Stagg for an insightful interview. Most notably, Amina Blue opens up about being an “It Girl,” working with Kanye West, reality TV, her lack of interest in clubbing, being influenced by Pamela Anderson, and more. Speaking about Kanye’s recent controversies, Blue shares the following thoughts:
“I’ve seen people go crazy for this man. His followers are so dedicated and so sincere … The thing with Kanye is that I don’t think he plays many games. Everything that comes out of his mouth is usually what he’s thinking. You just gotta take what he says and deal with it. I know a lot of people are upset with that whole Trump thing. I was, too, like: What’s he doing with Trump? But once you hear his reasoning—and I’m not saying I agree with it—you know, everybody’s different. Maybe it’s a good thing that he’s meeting the president of the United States. If you can’t beat ’em you might as well just join ’em.”
As far Amina Blue’s goals are concerned, the piece ends on this note:
A major influence for Blue is actress, model, and fellow vegan shoe designer Pamela Anderson (Blue’s own shoe line is due out in April). “She has a bubbly personality,” which is something Blue admires, having discovered in the strip club that she couldn’t be as cunning in business as the dancers were. “I can be friendly, but in that type of environment it’s hard to be friendly.” And being able to be friendly in every type of environment is the goal: “I saw that the most successful people were the ones that could have a conversation with anybody about anything. That’s what made them stand out.”
You can check out Amina Blue’s new SSENSE feature here, and check out a visual based on the piece above.