'The Walking Dead' Creator Explains the Reason Behind Season 6's Cliffhanger
With good news about season 7.

WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Do not read if you are not up to date with season 6 of The Walking Dead.
Entertainment Weekly recently caught up with Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead to chat about the season 6 cliffhanger and explained the direction towards such a mysterious ending. If your memory needs jogging, Rick, Michone, Glen, Rosita, and the others were found and captured by Negan and his gang, and the episode finalizes with Negan delivering a bat-to-the-brains death blow to one specific character, left unknown from a first-person perspective. Kirkman explains in the interview his reasoning for the cliffhanger:
You get to season 6 on a show and you try new things and sometimes they work, and sometimes they don’t, but I would hope that after enjoying six seasons of the show people would recognize that, everything that [showrunner] Scott Gimple is putting together is an effort to keep the show exciting, and engaging, and keeping everybody excited about it.
Kirkman also explains that while season 6’s cliffhanger leaves a lot to the premiere of season 7, the upcoming season’s finale in 2017 will most likely not conclude in a similar manner. “I think everyone on The Walking Dead creative team has taken note of [the finale's responses], and I don’t know that I would expect a similar cliffhanger at the end of season 7.”
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on October 23 with the identity of Negan’s kill. Who do you think it is? Leave your comments below and read the full interview here.