Watch Aaron "Jaws" Homoki Make Skateboarding History at the Lyon 25 Set
It will make your palms sweat.
Aaron “Jaws” Homoki was 13-years-old when he watched Ali Boulala throw himself down a 25-stair set in Lyon in Flip’s Sorry. Boulala’s iconic bail inspired Homoki and Thrasher magazine to revisit the hallowed spot in hopes of completing the stunt in 2014; unfortunately, Jaws’ first attempt left him with a torn MCL and an expected recovery time of 6-8 months. He made a complete recovery and returned to the spot to try it again at the appropriate age of 25 with a crew of photographers, his father and Boulala in tow as an expert consultant, of sorts.
Watch as Jaws confronts security, loses a wheel, and greases his board with Old Spice deodorant before sticking a melon down one of the most palm-sweat-inducing drops in extreme sports history.