A Dialect Expert Explains Your Favorite Movie Characters' Accents
Who killed it and who shouldn’t have been cast in the first place?
For WIRED‘s latest explanatory video, the tech and culture outfit presents an expansive breakdown of accents utilized by actors in several world-renowned films. Sitting down for the vignette, “movie accent expert” and dialect instructor/coach Erik Singer presents an accessible, critical examination of the voices adopted by actors such as Mel Gibson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Idris Elba,Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Heath Ledger and others. Featured in the video are films such as Braveheart, The Dark Knight, Mandela, Brokeback Mountain, Selma, Blood Diamond, Eastern Promises and more. As you can tell by his Singer’s thoughts, there are a lot of award-winning, talented actors who just can’t quite nail down the “perfect” accent.
You can check out Erik Singer and WIRED‘s breakdown of movie accents above.