Two Adventurers Walk Every Block in New York City for 'The New Yorker'
Adventuring every nook and cranny of the Big Apple by foot.
In graffiti, the term “all-city” refers to an artist that is known throughout the entirety of his city – some argue that the term originated in New York. While Matt Green and William Helmreich might not exactly be writers, they’re definitely all-city – in some sense at least. Helmreich, a professor of sociology at the City University of New York, and Matt Green – the man behind ImJustWalkin – have each traversed New York’s 6,000+ miles of area twice over by foot, simply walking for the love of the city. In the above video, The New Yorker and videographer Riley Hooper document the two as they walk through the outer boroughs and explain their undying love for the Big Apple. While both come from ostensibly different backgrounds, their common love – exemplified by a shared view of the skyline on Staten Island – truly encompasses the ubiquitous passion of New Yorkers citywide.