TZOA Is a Wearable Device That Helps You Breathe Cleaner Air
According to the World Health Organization, 7 million people die prematurely every year due to air
According to the World Health Organization, 7 million people die prematurely every year due to air pollution-related reasons. Surprisingly, the air inside your home can be 2-5 times worse than the outdoors. In response to the growing air pollution levels around the world, the TZOA was developed to be an elegant and wearable device that tracks the air quality around you. Providing useful information including city-wide mapping of air quality levels and a daily review, the accompanying app visualizes your environment, and crowd sources data for quality level maps while also offering you suggestions to improve the air you’re inhaling. The device uses an optical laser that measures minuscule particles in the air around you, garnering information not only about air quality, but also UV, light, humidity and temperature. The information accrued allows the device to let you know which routes are healthiest to take, when you’ve had too much UV from the sun, when the optimal time to wake up is, among many more useful tips. Check out its IndieGoGo page here, and pledge $99 USD for an early bird special price for the TZOA.