The Ramen Poster: Wall Art for Ramen Lovers
In many ways, ramen is the food equivalent of chess. Both are built upon ingeniously simple
In many ways, ramen is the food equivalent of chess. Both are built upon ingeniously simple frameworks (a simple set of ingredients, a simple set of rules) that set the stage for highly complex, infinitely experimental and universally beloved results. There are virtually no limits to the ways one can create and enjoy a bowl of ramen, making it easy to see why ramen, in all its renditions, is so beloved. Fanny, a designer from Berkeley, California, is taking the universal appeal of ramen and turning it into art. She’s created a wall poster that displays custom illustrations of 25 of the most recognizable styles of ramen from different parts of Japan. The poster includes top-down views of everything from Hokkaido’s famous miso-based Sapporo ramen to Yamagata cold ramen, along with the ingredients for each version listed below it. A dedicated ramen enthusiast herself, Fanny’s passion project is proof that ramen, like chess, is far more than just the sum of its parts. A bowl of ramen isn’t just a dish, it’s a culture. Check out the full project currently funding over at Kickstarter.