Producers of Upcoming Drake Documentary are Considering to File Lawsuit
The upcoming documentary Drake’s Homecoming: The Lost Footage details around a 2009 performance of

The upcoming documentary Drake’s Homecoming: The Lost Footage details around a 2009 performance of his in Toronto just before his Young Money deal. A few days ago, Drake informed the public of his disassociation with the movie and that he wasn’t going to support its release. As a result, the producers of the movie say that they are considering filing a $15 million lawsuit for potential damages caused, as reported by The Los Angeles Times. In a contract with Serious Entertainment details that if Drake sells out his 2009 concert (to which he did), he would have to play another show for $5,000 (which has yet to happen). Mark Berry, one of the film’s executive producers shares, “We can drag him into a stadium tomorrow if we wanted to. Personally, I think he should honor his commitments. Even if he does a show and the proceeds go to charity, doesn’t matter to us.” He adds, “I think he thought nothing was going to happen with the film. Not that he had to promote or market the movie; he could have kept his mouth shut. We’ve gotten more mileage with him sending out that tweet than anything.” One of Drake’s representative tells LA Times, “Obviously Drake and OVO only put out music and video/film that is of the highest quality for their brand and what their fans have come to expect, and do not want any fans to buy into something that has not come from them.” This situation is looking to be complicated. For those interested, the movie will hit some theaters on Thursday.
James Prince and I stand together on not supporting the Drake Homecoming footage in theatres. #protectingthefans
— Drizzy (@Drake) March 17, 2015