Meet Jack Riddell and His 1967 Lamborghini 400 GT
Considered to be the highest mileage Lambo in the world.
Retired Navy officer Jack Riddell first purchased his Lamborghini 400 GT in 1972 for $6,250. The 400 GT was the second model produced by the Italian car manufacturer, succeeding the 350, and less than 250 were made to production. Riddell has since then become an ambassador for Lamborghini with a custom license plate that reads “V12 TORO” for the engine and the brand’s iconic Taurus logo, which was founder Ferruccio Lamborghini’s astrological sign. At nearly 300,000 miles, his vehicle is considered to be the Lambo with the highest mileage in the world. While he’s kept most of the original parts, in order to reduce the need for tune-ups, Riddell upgraded the ignition by modifying a Jaguar distributor, along with an added MSD system. Watch the interview and see additional details on the classic car above.