This Book Is Actually a Camera
Learn how a camera works and build a pinhole camera while you’re at it.

Artist-slash-designer Kelli Anderson has recently released This Book is a Camera, which is a pop-up book that actually transforms into an entirely functional pinhole camera. Doubling as an educational tool that explains how photography works, the publication harks back to a day when we didn’t all have a camera-phone at the ready. The book comes with a starter pack, complete with a handful of black and white Ilford photo paper and instructions on how to use the camera. Although you’ll still need to have the film developed by a third party (or by yourself if you possess the know-how), the concept is a fun and interactive way to learn about the technicalities behind a camera. You can purchase a copy of This Book is a Camera via Kelli Anderson’s website. To learn more about how the camera is constructed, you can check out the video below.