Hiroshi Fujiwara Launches "Ring of Colour"
A brand new media portal from the godfather of streetwear.

The streetwear godfather is back with another brand new endeavor: Ring of Colour. The latest web portal from Hiroshi Fujiwara (he’s one of the original co-founders of the honeyee.com web magazine), Ring of Colour will cover everything from art, music, movies, and books to cars, watches, sneakers, travel and more — all color-coded so readers know how “fresh” each post is at a glance. Says Fujiwara:
Ring of Colour is what we want to see and want to read: a digital media collection of things worth knowing about. Information is divided into categories, accessed directly so that you can find the information you want through categories updated by people with original sense. Ring of Colour is global, sending out the information you want to wherever in the world you are, at any time.
Ring of Colour can be read in both Japanese and English over at ringofcolour.com.