Get Rewarded for Posting Reviews in Google Maps
Gotta catch ‘em all.
Google has updated its Local Guides program for Google Maps. Now, when you submit reviews you can garner points and earn rewards for them. You can earn up to five points per place you review, through writing a review, uploading a photo, adding new places, fixing outdated information and more. Check out the break down of levels below.
Level 1 (0 – 4 points): Enter exclusive contests (think new Google devices!) in select countries.
Level 2 (5 – 49 points): Get early access to new Google products and features.
Level 3 (50 – 199 points): Show up in the Google Maps app with your official Local Guides badge.
Level 4 (200 – 499 points): Receive a free 1 TB upgrade of your Drive storage, allowing you to keep all the stories, photos, and videos from your travels in one safe place.
Level 5 (500+ points): The very top Local Guides will become eligible to apply to attend our inaugural summit in 2016, where you’ll be able to meet other top Guides from around the world, explore the Google campus, and get the latest info about Google Maps. Look out for details early next year.
You’ll have to sign up on Google+ to begin, and you can check your progress in the contributions tab. This marks a very interesting way to get users to post reviews and garner tangible rewards and benefits. Will you be signing up?