'Attack on Titan' x Medicom Toy Colossal Titan 1000% Bearbrick
If the 400%-sized version of the Colossal Titan Bearbrick wasn’t large enough for some of you, the

If the 400%-sized version of the Colossal Titan Bearbrick wasn’t large enough for some of you, the good news is that there’s now a 1000% variant, which stands at 700mm tall in all its glory. Aside from the height and the slight color change on the lines detailing the exposed muscles of the wall-destroying humanoid, everything else looks-wise – grimace and all – pretty much stays the same.
While us fans will have to continue to wait with agonizing patience for season 2 of Attack on Titan in 2016 (at least they gave us a timeline right?), the figure’s May 2015 release date does come at a good time considering that the two live-action films are set to hit theaters over the summer. So if anything, this could be a move from Medicom Toy to help start brewing a little early hype for the upcoming movies.
The Colossal Titan Bearbrick will be available at ¥32,000 JPY (approximately $270 USD). Find the full details here.