11+ Bottle Humidifier Mini
With the coming of fall comes dry weather in many parts of the world but the 11+ Bottle Humidifier

With the coming of fall comes dry weather in many parts of the world but the 11+ Bottle Humidifier Mini is here to help. The USB-powered, humidifying mechanism is attached to a precision-machined aluminum bottle cap, which is then screwed on top of a glass bottle of water. This simplicity in design allows for a strikingly minimalist design, trumping the many unwieldy, plastic-heavy humidifiers currently on the market. Its compact size also makes it perfect for the desktop, bedside table or coffee table. Furthermore, a portion of the proceeds will go towards water-related charity projects via UNICEF. The 11+ Bottle Humidifier Mini is now available at stockists worldwide including Leibal for $60 USD.