Epicly Later'd: Keith Hufnagel – Part 1
It’s hard to have a conversation about modern skateboarding without mentioning Keith Hufnagel.
It’s hard to have a conversation about modern skateboarding without mentioning Keith Hufnagel. Contrary to some beliefs, his introduction doesn’t begin making grass-themed apparel, but skating on the streets of New York City in the early 1990s. One of the finest city-born skateboarders the Big Apple has ever produced, HUF’s power, grace and technical ability carved a new place for East Coast skateboarders in the industry. Here VICE’s Epicly Later’d series takes us on a journey through Hufnagel’s life, from his teenage midnight missions in Midtown with Gino Iannucci and Keenan Milton to his first board sponsorship. Enjoy the above, and look for the next episode of Epicly Later’d to drop sooner than later.