The Rebuttal: Ben Baller
The HYPEBEAST comment section has long served as a place where our diverse readership can voice its
The HYPEBEAST comment section has long served as a place where our diverse readership can voice its opinion. Although most of the time it’s just plain hate or spam, there are a few occasions where we come across a particular comment that makes us completely forget about the post at hand. Whether it’s creative wordplay, the use of witty humor, or simply outlandish, it typically always requires a second read. Rarely is the subject of such (frequently harsh) criticism able to fire back and defend him/herself – until now. We dug deep into our database of articles and found some of the most commented-on posts, in the hopes of getting the other side of the story from the artists, designers and writers that make up HYPEBEAST.
We think it’s fitting to call this new section The Rebuttal. For our first installment, we track down none other than Ben Baller for an intimate reading of his comments – and yes, he even addresses his infamous Essentials. Love him or hate him, there’s no denying that the Hypebeast readers have something to say. Watch the video above for his thoughts on your thoughts about him.
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