Serato Discontinues Scratch Live in Focus Towards Serato DJ
Laptop DJ heavyweights Serato launched Serato Scratch Live — SSL — over a decade ago, with it
Laptop DJ heavyweights Serato launched Serato Scratch Live — SSL — over a decade ago, with it spearheading much of contemporary DJ’s set-up. The latest news from Serato announces that it’ll no longer provide updates to SSL, a software synonymous for its abilities to mix via the computer with loops and perks as a virtual DJ tool. Blending attributes from SSL with Serato DJ in the last few years has been difficult, and Serato has decided to let go of SSL in focus of Serato DJ — which in turn will incorporate SSL’s DVS technology, allowing both hands-on DJing and synched beat-matching, in addition to a more clean-cut interface. Serato will continue to provided technical support for SSL until 2015, while users will be able to upgrade to Serato DJ for free. For more information check out the interview with Serato CEO Sam Gribben above.