Azealia Banks - Yung Rapunxel | Video
Dark, menacing, but nonetheless captivating, Azealia Banks departs from the girl-next-door
Dark, menacing, but nonetheless captivating, Azealia Banks departs from the girl-next-door portrayal in “212” and steps into brooding territories where she single-handedly takes on a SWAT team. With the assistance of a few eerie owls, talking eyes, and the Hamsa — a palm-shaped charm believed to ward off evilness — the Jam Sutton-directed video aligns with the unapologetic lyrics to “Yung Rapunxel” — another impressionable onslaught featuring Lil Internet on production. The song will no doubt be featured on the Harlemite’s highly anticipated Broke With Expensive Taste debut, stay tuned for more on the LP.