Bob Dylan’s “Like A Rolling Stone” Released As Interactive Video
Digital media company Interlude has release an interactive music video to Bob Dylan’s hit-record

Digital media company Interlude has release an interactive music video to Bob Dylan‘s hit-record “Like A Rolling Stone.” Coinciding with Bob Dylan’s The Complete Album Collection Volume 1 box set, the video allows fans to experience the classic rock number in never before ways. Tuning in with innovative technology, the video allows viewers to play an active role in the music video’s narrative, choosing 16 different channel in which the TV characters lip-synch to the track. See below for more information from Interlude and check out the interactive video here.
The experience begins when users press play and have the ability to surf 16 different “TV channels” within the video in real-time. These channels are comprised of American TV formats in which, no matter what channel you are on, the hosts and actors are all lip-syncing the lyrics to “Like a Rolling Stone” as the song continues to play seamlessly. No two people will engage with the video in the same way twice. The full interactive video can also be experienced on iPhones and iPads and is easily shared across social media platforms.