Daniel Nyari Illustrates Famous Weapons from Movies and Video Games
If you’re an avid gamer or moviegoer born as early as the ’60s, chances are you recognize more than

If you’re an avid gamer or moviegoer born as early as the ’60s, chances are you recognize more than one of these weapons illustrated by graphic designer Daniel Nyari. Covering some of the most recognizable tools of destruction spread across the realms of film, comics, video games and television, Nyari pleasantly captures the essence of each weapon without over-complicating the final interpretation. From Captain America‘s shield down to Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber — there’s even a Poké Ball somewhere amongst the collection — each of the armaments are laid out for your perusal. Have a look through the rest of Nyari’s work to see if you can identify each one of these nostalgic instruments.