Tyler, the Creator explains last night's controversial events
As we reported earlier today, Tyler, the Creator got into a bit of trouble last night at his
As we reported earlier today, Tyler, the Creator got into a bit of trouble last night at his show in Los Angeles. The outing was like somewhat of a homecoming for the majority of the Odd Future crew, which equated to an even rowdier performance than normal. Upon vandalizing some of the sound technician’s equipment, Tyler was then reportedly escorted to jail. See his version of last night’s events below, as told my him on his Formspring account.
duding RADICALS, i was on the piano playing the breakdown, only to notice that the music and sound was low, lights went off and that shit wasnt right, i get up, look, and notice that it was two girls hurt from the mosh pits behind them. i grab my mic to tell the crowd to come calm down and inform security because it was none around in the front, but i then find out the sound dude turned everything off. so im on stage while its mosh pits and chaos on stage ( i played live with Trash Talk, and it was a home show so everyone from OF was there wildn) pointing at my mic tell sound dude to turn it up turn it up, hes shaking his head no.i keep doing this for at least 70 seconds until i get fed up and run over to him threw the crowd. i jump on his sound board and say’ nigga turn my fucking mic up its bitches hurt, let me tell the crowd to calm down, they listen to me’ this nigga goes on saying he doesnt have control his manager said this and that. i keep asking, we go back and forth. i kick the plexi glass and stomp on the cheap ass soundboard, then throw my mike on the floor. go back on stage just in time to throw a couple gifts out to the crowd ( it was the xmas show). someone states ‘ lets get you outta here’. i walk outside to like 20 cops, helicopters, shotguns and some other shit. jail is really cold dude, i had no socks on. im fine tho, bail was alot even tho i didnt hurt anyone, i damaged some shit. and idk why rappers talk about jail like its cool, omg i would go crazy. all i could think about was skating the bowl like 8 hours before haha. i havent looked but the media prolly made it seem more epic than it actually is. but overall, i finally feel black.