ROJO®NOVA Sao Paulo Week 2 Video
New York-based artist KRINK has recently had a hand in the ongoing creative event, ®NOVA. Based
New York-based artist KRINK has recently had a hand in the ongoing creative event, ®NOVA. Based in the vibrant Brazilian city of São Paulo, the event has brought together over 100 global artists with backgrounds in live art, music and audiovisuals to participate in a variety of activities ranging from performances, video screenings, round tables and workshops. The 7-week event has brought a new unprecedented level of interactivity and focus on the process of art-making itself. This video into week 2 features works from KRINK and Tofer Chin among others. For more information, head over to the ®NOVA Facebook page.
MIS. Avenida Europa, 158
São Paulo, 01449-000