Tofer Chin "Alex" Exhibition
The latest exhibition from Los Angeles-based Tofer Chin opened recently at San Francisco’s
The latest exhibition from Los Angeles-based Tofer Chin opened recently at San Francisco’s Fecal Face Gallery. The show, simply titled Alex, featured a selection of paintings showcasing Tofer’s insane artwork. The show will remain open to the public until March 13th, 2010. If you’re in town, be sure to stop by Fecal Face and check it out!
Entitled “Alex,” Chin’s new show further represents his on-going relationship with Op-Art, as well as his perseveration on sensory perception and mind expansion, while also impressively marking his move to wholly personalize and reinvigorate the movement. Whereas previous works used unnatural color and concept to examine the spiritual and psychological impact of synthetic LSD, “Alex” strives to enhance the personal and shift to the organic by refocusing on the naturally-derived hallucinogen, mescaline. Unlike LSD, mescaline never lies. Instead, the mescaline experience includes visual enhancements of originating truths.